Sunday, May 15, 2011

Can Too Much Wine Drinking Cause Black Stools

PISA 2009

PISA 2009

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an evalu ation standardized internationally applied students ages 15 years d in schools, between 4.500 and 10.000 students in each country. Is not oriented the degree of study, but to age.

Why 15? It is the age when human beings are on the verge of leaving the company and deal with life.

The report highlights in particular how countries have achieved a good level of performance and at the same time, an equitable distribution of learning opportunities.

Results Noting statistics PISA 2009 is can conclude that results have been disastrous for Peru. Over 65 countries evaluated was ranked 63. AntepenĂșltimos in Reading Comprehension, and penultimate in Mathematical Understanding Understanding of Science.

In turn, the authorities tried to show the results as a great success and advancement of the educational system in Peru, going from last to next to last or antepenĂșltimos. According to them, the system works, and soon we will become an educational power.


1. So far have been carried After four assessments (2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009 ) , ie in the last 10 years we lag behind others.

2. We are far from the average: 370 vs. 493 Reading Comprehension, Understanding Mathematics 365 vs 496, vs 501 Understanding of Science 369 and much farther from the first position (556, 600 and 575 respectively).

3. Our college graduates are showing less ability to function within the knowledge society.

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