Friday, February 26, 2010

How To Transfer From Shareaza To Ipod

cauliflower. XIII

Protons and electrons, have been sufficient?

A nice habit acquired have some friends, when talking with me and is worth clarifying, if not find a more dignified exit, more elegant to defend an argument, is to say, in a tone eyes in white, lenguafuera and disjointed, "protons and electrons ..." and quickly change the trenches for some locations dialectic something more comfortable.

It's like a checkmate of the queen of spades. Have to do it on the black square.

And after all these years, I realize that the fear of cauliflower is the entity itself, that single change of partner, and that only serves its temporary host and occasional fuel new hatchery / recycled ideas. But it is, after all, the same old nemesis. As symptomatic of Moriarty version, somewhat less intelligent but far more obsessive and obsessively longer enough.

poker Something like the black queen. You can only complete if you have (a) the four kings.


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