amateurs Hello again friends, well here I include in this blog, this interesting herramnienta called Echolink, which is software that can communicate with other Amateur Radio using VoIP technology, which already today is massive, but thanks to this software we can have our station Radio-IP.
The program allows contact with stations in analog mode by simplex links, links with repeaters, or conference rooms where there are multiple links or repeaters connected, you can also contact with other digital mode if you've tried QsoNet estaciones.Especialmente not speak fluently you will have no problem with this program with the advantage of being free, and the circuit required to make a connection or link is the same you use for SSTV, PSK 31 or other radio programs EQSO.La IP as the audio quality is excellent holding better connections are broadband (modem) to use other programas.Antes must register (free) as an amateur radio user, which adds reliability to sistema.Funciona Windows 95, 98, ME, XP and Vista not yet
I test it on Linux and Windows 7 .-
I test it on Linux and Windows 7 .-
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