Saturday, May 24, 2008


Radio Club repeater installation Salt awareness for our Hobby

Hello dear colleagues and friends of the amateur radio now We have a repeater forward more in the northern part of our Chile, the result of much effort by the Port of Chañaral radiaficionados, achieving a goal that looked far to the Radio Club Copiapo, CE1CPI, but was achieved at the proposed caval I can only congratulate this bunch of amateur radio and lomo take Chañaral Port, and appreciate the opportunity you gave us and participating in assembly of the small tower of 18 meters at the summit of Cerro Salado, about 70 km NE of Chañaral, which gave us little work but worth it, now we have much more coverage in Copiapo we listen, tune in the 146,700-600MHz .-

A picture is worth a thousand words.


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