This will overcome the impasse to continue the integration of stock exchanges in Colombia, Chile and Peru. The three bags that make up the Integrated Market Latinoamericano (MILA) make up the largest number of companies with registered securities (563) and ranks third in volume of transactions (300 million dollars a day on average).
Each of the three exchanges with its emphasis. The Peruvian stock market focuses on titles related to mining, of Colombia with oil and financial sectors, and the Chilean energy, trade and services.
I think it's a good strategy for growth, since for the Brazilian and Mexican markets, our separate economies are small. Together we will become an interesting alternative view to attract foreign investment. The main beneficiaries will be those companies expand their operations in neighboring countries, of course ... as the profitability will occur.
As in Chile, the sustained growth of the national economy will result in the accumulation of capital ... this in turn will cause Peruvian companies begin to "leave the neighborhood" for other good investment opportunities and diversify their risk.
On October 28, 2010, the Alumni Association of Pacific University and the Alumni Association de la PUCP presentaron la Conferencia: Integración de las Bolsas de Lima. La exposición estuvo a cargo de Santiago Luis Ugarelli MSc. conocedor del tema.
El PPT de la presentación, se puede apreciar aquí , o vía Scribd:
El vídeo de la presentación :
On October 28, 2010, the Alumni Association of Pacific University and the Alumni Association de la PUCP presentaron la Conferencia: Integración de las Bolsas de Lima. La exposición estuvo a cargo de Santiago Luis Ugarelli MSc. conocedor del tema.
El PPT de la presentación, se puede apreciar aquí , o vía Scribd:
El vídeo de la presentación :

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