Meter Amateur Radio Satellites use
The reports for transmission to the Oscar 51 must have the following frequencies : First memory
145,915 145,920 + TONE Second memory 67 memory Third
memory Megahertz 145,920 145,920 145,925 Megahertz Megahertz Memory
memories for receiving the Oscar 51 must have the following frequencies:
First memory
435,310 435,305 Megahertz Megahertz
Second Third Memory memory Fourth
memory Megahertz 435,300 435,295 435,290 Megahertz Megahertz Memory
The reports for transmission to the Oscar 50 should have the following frequencies:
145,845 First Second
memory Megahertz Megahertz WITH T 145,850 67.0 145,850 memory
Third Fourth
memory Megahertz Megahertz 145,850 Megahertz Memory Fifth
memories for receiving the Oscar 50 should have the following frequencies : First memory
436,810 436,805 Megahertz Megahertz Memory
Second Third Fourth
memory memory Megahertz 436,800 436,795 436,790 Megahertz Memory
Quinta Megahertz
Only transmit when it senses that the channel is free.
Before general call, make sure your receiver system to operate properly, because if you fail to receive probably will not hear the answer to your call and unnecessarily interfere with access to the satellite.
If you do not have preamp or antenna with rotor azimuth and elevation, open the squelch on your receiver, change the frequency by receiving their reports and find the memory where you get better, then put your memory in a similar position transmission. Make
called encoding your callsign in international code.
Be brief in your communications, to the possibility that other stations can use the satellite, since the duration of the past does not exceed 15 minutes.
If you are in Santiago or nearby you can use the satellite link AMSAT-CE, using the frequency +600 MegaHertz 147,150, with 67.0 Hz CTCSS
This can often find colleagues to help in the operation of this type and information of upcoming passes.
basic rules for a good QSO with NA1SS
1. Make sure you have good frequencies up and down depending on your area of \u200b\u200bthe world. 145,800
down (hear) the same for everyone. 144,490
upstream (transmission) for the Americas, Asia and Australia145.200 rise (issue) for Europe and Africa
2. They do not call, you expect the astronaut do the CQ or QRZ say
3. Only responds to your call and is awaiting a response
4. Listen carefully to see if he calls you, if it does not transmit again until you call CQ or QRZ request.
Failure to follow these basic rules only get them tired of QRM and devote themselves to others.
Software Orbitron 3.71